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About Slack

Slack is our member-only forum and is key to knowing what's happening in the club. There's lots of information here on the club website, however, for the very latest information, joining the right channels on Slack is a great way to be in the know!

The key thing to remember is that Slack provides us with a single place for messaging and sharing files with other members. There are two methods of communication (chat) in Slack: channels (group chat), and direct messages or DM (person-to-person chat). Let’s take a quick look at the user interface.

There are four main things to pay attention to in Slack:

  1. The name of the Slack instance (ours is
  2. The list of channels you’re a member of
  3. The list of people you’ve direct messaged
  4. The chat window

To read a more detailed guide to Slack go here.

What channels are there and which should I join?

Everyone who joins Slack is automatically a member of the #general channel. Messages of general interest are shared here. You then need to join other channels to learn more about areas that are of interest to you. We have around 60 channels and you can join as many as you wish.

How do I join a channel?

To do this when using the Slack website on a computer click on the plus symbol next to the word Channels. Then select 'Browse Channels' and you can review the about information for each one to help you choose. Note: The app doesn't offer this feature, so instead you need to join a channel, review it and then leave if it’s not of interest. Any message (chat) you share in a channel is open to any other member of that channel to read. They in turn can comment (chat) if they wish.

What else can I do?

You can also:

Direct Message (DM) other members. These messages (chat) are person to person, so can include one or more members, but only those that are included in the chat can read the messages. To do this you simply click on the plus symbol next to the words ‘Direct messages’ and then send a message.

Share files with other members. When sending a message (chat) you can add a file that you wish to share. Typically, this will be photo (image file). To do this select the paperclip icon in the toolbar (just below the Message box and then select the file you wish to share from your device.

What happens to our history?

We use the free plan so we have a limited window (90 days) within which messages and files are retained (across all channels).  After that, they're gone!

Are there any rules?

Yes, be kind - don’t say or share something you wouldn’t like to receive!