Brief report from Andrew Rice:
The following club members went to Alp D'Huez in various groups, ie we didn't know about two doing the event until we saw them on the ride!
Al Swinhoe, Richard Marriott, Martin Jones, Hazel Davies - riding; Jem Biggens, Andrew Rice - supporting
Craig Stewart, Jon Sutcliffe - doing their own thing.
Craig Stewart, Jon Sutcliffe - doing their own thing.
Please see our photos covering Hazel's and richard's ride out to La Berade then Jem and I's ride out to Valbonnais and return via Col d'Ornon then photos of the action at the Glandon - only got a picture of Hazel here as the others didn't stop long enough! The last ones are at bend 18 of the Alp with a couple of closing pictures of Hazel arriving at the finish.