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Jared Millar completed the Pyrenees edition of the Haute Route. Billed as the toughest and highest sportives in the world, the Haute Route events are 7-day stage races through the Pyrenees, Alps and Dolomites and provide an experience similar to a pro tour; moving from town-to-town, with police escorts, media bikes and Mavic support vehicles. The Pyrenees event covered over 800km, ascended more than 20,000m, included a hill-climb time trial and featured the famous cols of Tourmalet, Peyresourde, Aubisque, Aspin, Soulor and Hautacam. Jared finished 42nd, placing him in the top 10% of participants. At this point, he has no interest in signing up for next year's edition due to the still raw memories of intense pain and suffering!