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Fete du Velo

On and around Redbourn Common, part of the two-day Redbourn Festival

Date: July 6th 2025


Time: 9.30am to 16.00

Circuit cycle races, cycling events and village fete on the Redbourn Common. Attractions for all the family, including:

  1. British Cycling circuit racing - Juniors (9.30 - 11.45)
  2. British Cycling circuit racing - Adults (13.15 - 15.45)
  3. The Cricketers PH on the common - bar and BBQ
  4. Fun fair (charges apply)
  5. Scootathon - kids, bring your scooter and enjoy the closed road circuit (12.00)
  6. Parent and child relay - you know it makes sense! (12.15)
  7. Closed road free riding (13.00)
  8. Off road (on the common) junior (under 16) novice cycle track, bring your bike and have a go! Grass track on the common (10.00 to 12.00 & 14.00 to 16.00).
  9. Mini World Champs - cycling challenges on the common (10.00 to 12.00 & 14.00 t 16.00)
  10. Verulam CC
  11. Le Patron
  12. And many more...

Bring family and friends and have a fun time!!


Fete du Velo map


Further details here. Racing entries here.

Some pictures from previous years below:


 FdV Youth 2018 3

 FdV Youth 2018 2

 FdV Youth 2018

 FdV Ladies 2018

FdV Seniors 2018

FdV Seniors 2 2018

FdV Seniors 3 2018