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Track racing is available locally at the Gosling Sports Park Velodrome in Welwyn Garden City about 5 miles from St Albans. The cycle track is an international quality, floodlit and banked open air arena, a resource that is producing new young stars of the future.

We now host Youth Development track sessions every Saturday in the summer (see our Youth page) and individual VCC members also participate in other track events at Gosling.

Welwyn Track League - VCC now practically runs the Welwyn Track League, held every Friday from late April through to mid September. Racing is from 19:00 – 21:00, with sign-on starting from 18:30. All races take place at the Gosling Sports Park Velodrome Park in Welwyn Garden City. Programmes for each week are available before each meet here. The League is open to all experienced track riders, male and female, from Youth U8 to Senior, who have received the necessary accreditation. For more details on racing criteria, accreditation and to register go here.

If you are interested in Track Racing contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Racing Secretary).