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Andy Rice - Club Secretary

Member of VCC since September 2007

My cycling story...

I have been cycling for many years but largely informally with friends and colleagues in a work social club.  I joined VCC to do more organised and regular cycling to improve my endurance and skills so that Sportives would get easier.  Getting involved in a new organisation where I wasn’t running activities was also important – that didn’t last that long then!

About my role...

My primary role is to keep us organised! This means ensuring, for example, that the committee meetings run smoothly every month. That we review our policies to keep them fit for purpose and that we document what we do and how we do it. I ensure we maintain our affiliations and act as a primary point of contact for the club. It is also an important part of my remit to liaise with other committee members to provide help and support in any way I can. 

More about me...

Interested in most sorts of cycling; Club runs, sportives, mountain biking, touring, but never raced or done a long audax.  Although being a Inters rider, a lack of speed on hills hasn't held me back!  I have completed some big sportives the most notable being the Dragon Ride and the 2015 Etape du Tour – there’s a lot to be said for steady determination over outright speed…