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Adult Membership

Want to join us? It's easy to do!

We pride ourselves on being a well-organised club, enabling members to access many different aspects of the sport of cycling.

We offer First or Second Claim membership or an Associate membership, the latter for those who wish to join but not participate in our riding activities. We also offer a Family membership package. This includes a First or Second claim membership, plus an Associate membership for the partner of the adult member and/or any number of their children for the price of a single (First claim) subscription.

First and Second claim membership

To join us, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will record your interest and send you an invite to a future new member's briefing. This talk, lead by Peter, will take approximately an hour and is usually held on a Monday evening in-person at Cottonmill Community and Cycling Centre. This provides an introduction to the club, what we do and how you can get involved. For those wishing to ride with us Peter will explain about our activities, our approach to group riding and the safety of everyone involved.

Family or Associate membership

To take up a Family membership please click here.
To apply to be an Associate member please click here.

Once you have joined:

  1. You will be issued a mini-membership card / bike fob. For those who wish to join our Club runs (see instructions below) this fob is important and should be fixed to your bike. Fobs for riders who complete our Introductory Ride are distributed at, or after, the ride.

  2. If you are First claim, a club short sleeved jersey is included as part of your first year's annual fee. On payment of your annual fee we will issue you with a one-time discount code for your Club short sleeved jersey, which you can then use to place an order via the club's online kit shop. 

  3. Our club kit. Our distinctive, high quality kit provides a good choice of garments, in both women's and men's ranges, supplied by Le Col Custom which is sold at cost price.  Whilst the wearing of Club kit is not compulsory, we prefer members to ride in club kit whenever possible while taking part in club activities.  Find out about our club kit here.

Instructions for joining our club runs

Club runs are for members who have completed our Introductory Ride only. They are our most popular activity, we sometimes have 70 or more riders out on the roads of Hertfordshire (and beyond) on a Sunday. In order to make these as enjoyable and as safe as possible for both riders and other road users alike, we require that you:

  1. Are able to ride a minimum of 50 miles (with a short café stop) at an average speed of 13 mph. Our Club runs last a minimum of 4 hours and get back to St. Albans around 1.30pm

  2. Have a working knowledge of the Highway Code

  3. Have good bike control and good road sense e.g. be able to make controlled hand signals, change and use appropriate gears, anticipate actions by other cyclists and other road users. If you are uncertain about this requirement and want more practice or guidance before joining our club then please check out the British Cycling website. You may also find the Cycling UK website helpful too (we are an affiliate club of both of these organisations). 

  4. Have a road bike that is roadworthy and have the right kit.  
    Essential items are
    • Cycle helmet
    • Pump and/or gas
    • Tubes x2
    • Levers
    • Long rear mudguard (when wet) and preferably a mudflap
    • Recommended: gloves, food, drink, café lock, mobile phone, tyre boot patch, pocket jacket and/or space blanket, chain splitter and money! 

         Read In your saddlebag for further advice.

  1. New members briefing.
    1. To find out more about us or to book on our rider briefing, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  
    2. The briefing will take approximately an hour, usually on a Monday evening in person at Cottonmill Community and Cycling Centre (off Old Oak, Cottonmill Lane, St Albans, AL1 2EF) with the focus on group riding and safety.  At this talk you can book your place on the next Introductory Ride.

  2. Complete our Introductory Ride - you will have discussed this with Peter at the rider briefing and after attending will be emailed further details.

  3. Have specific Third-Party Liability Insurance - This is not expensive, see more details here. One option is that it comes as part of the following cycling association memberships: British Cycling (BC) / Cycling UK (CUK) / League of Veteran Racing Cyclists (LVRC) / British Triathlon (BT). There are differing advantages in joining these associations, so you choose! 

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