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Update from Ross Clarke

Another quick update on Steve, he’s now been moved out of intensive care and onto the Trauma ward as of last week, which is really good, he’s now free of all monitors and equipment etc.  He’s improved massively in the last week and has even been walking around the ward (with a little help).  He’s probably got a couple more weeks in hospital but they may move him to Watford soon to be a little closer to home.  He’s still a bit mixed up and confused but his memory is getting better.

If anyone has been asking about visiting, they can now, he’s in bed 2 on the Trauma ward, take the lift to the 9th floor – its St Mary’s hospital in Paddington.  Visiting hours are 3pm to 5:45pm and 6:30pm to 7:30pm.  If anyone planning on visiting could drop me an e-mail first (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) just to make sure he hasn't been moved and there aren’t too many at once as they prefer only 2 – 3 visitors at a time.
